Press release on year 2010: 21-08-2010 - Ziarul de Iasi: Cuza University will launch two projects of 10 million euros financed by EU funds 01-07-2010 - International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame - Oklahoma Center of Continuing Education at the University of Oklahoma: Hall of Fame (HOF) Symposium "Preparing the Workforce for the Information Society" 13-04-2010 - Flacara Iasului: International Conference on Adult Education in Iasi bring specialists from around the world 26-02-2010 - Conference on Lifelong Learning in Iasi 12-01-2010 - Cardinal bibliographic highlights Articols on 2009 Articols on 2008 Articols on 2007 Articols on 2006 Articols on 2005 Articols on 2004