International Adult and Continuing Education
Hall of Fame
at the University of Oklahoma Outreach, USA

Supported by MEDIAEC
©2013 UAIC
Sunday 27th – Wednesday 30th April 2014
Iasi, Romania
The International Conference on Adult Education is a forum for exchanging information in
the scientific, practical and legislative area, presenting the results of the research in the
field of continuing and adult education.
The selected papers will be included in the conference volume which
will be indexed in Thomson Reuters Web of Science.
Announced Keynote speakers

Sturla Bjerkaker, The Norwegian Association for Adult Learning, NORWAY
PhD Prof. Chris Duke, Centre for European Studies, RMIT, AUSTRALIA
Per Paludan Hansen, EAEA President, Denmark
PhD Prof. John A. Henschke, Lindenwood University, USA
PhD Prof. Heribert Hinzen, Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association IIZ/DVV
PhD Prof. Vasile Isan, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, RO
PhD Prof. Romita Iucu, University of Bucharest, RO
PhD Hideki Maruyama, National Institute for Educational Policy Research (NIER), Japonia
PhD Prof. Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein, Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung - German Institute for Adult Education
PhD Prof. Michael Osborne, University of Glasgow, SCOTIA, UK
PhD James P. Pappas, Executive Director, International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame
Acad. PhD Prof. Ioan Aurel Pop, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, RO
PhD Prof. Fred M. Schied, Pennsylvania State University, USA
PhD Prof. Constantin Schifirnet, National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest, RO
PhD André Schläfli, SVEB - Schweizerischer Verband für Weiterbildung, Zürich
PhD Prof. Laurentiu Soitu, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, RO
Events related to the Conference:
International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame Symposium.
The Induction Ceremony. Class of 2014: April 29, 2014

Integration Program of School Dropouts, Symposium [LLP-LdV/PAR/2012/RO/133]: 28 - 29 April, 2014
Doctoral Consortium: April 30, 2014
The official languages of the conference are Romanian and English
The abstracts and articles will be written in English only.
Bursaries for PhD students
The International Conference on Adult Education offers three 150Euro bursaries for PhD students' papers. Three of the best scientific works will be awarded.
ORGANIZERS: UNIVERSITARIA Consortium and IACEHOF - International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame

All participants are required to bring the presentations on memory stick.

Publishing costs for the indexed volume 50 Euro/article

If you want to see some recordings of CIEA IV sessions please click on next link: Eucational and Research Tube

Pictures from CIEA IV Sessions: click here