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The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education, 25th - 28th of April 2018, Iasi, Romania

The Fourth International Conference on Adult Education, 27th - 30th of April 2014, Iasi, Romania

Simpozionul international DIMENSIUNEA SPIRITUALA A DREPTURILOR OMULUI. Iasi, 4-6 noiembrie 2012

Spring 2011

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Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi
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Defining PFCI
The purpose and main objectives of the platform MEDIAEC
  1. Specific targets
Description of the formative component
Description of the research component
  1. Themes of research / development
  2. Interdisciplinary directions in doctoral research developed by platform MediaEc
  3. Support for programs they are in progress
  4. Contracts for new projects
Structure ofPFCI
Distinct laboratories
Human resource of PFCI
Platform's sustainability
MEDIAEC platform's perspective during 2009-2012
Results obtained
PhD theses completed or started using the platform's research infrastructure
International collaborations started having platforms like experimental support

Defining PFCI

The purpose and main objectives of the platform MEDIAEC

MEDIAEC platform is designed to develop educational and research services through interdisciplinary, multifunctional and permanent interaction.

The main objective of the platform MEDIAEC is the fulfillment of the University's and community's expectations through the leading edge of expertise and technology.

The solution: learning and development network - Network Learning Environment by identifying technologies and methods to stimulate the creative potential of our academic space and anywhere.

Blackboard Academic Suite provides solutions that enable institutions of higher education development of interdisciplinary research on line and in real time, but also the opportunities to improve the teaching process and academic performance. Educational institutions in the world counts on support from NTI for information storage (learning) and contact with other members of the community, along with sharing the best training content.

For the activities were arranged more space for fitting rooms videoconference in agreement with the themes and objectives set out initially.
  1. Senate Hall
  2. History's amphitheater
  3. Physic's amphitheater
  4. Room 417 B (FEAA)
  5. Room D 201
  6. Room H1 (History)
  7. Room Gaudeamus 430
  8. Room T 24 (Orthodox Theology)
  9. Room B 251 (Philosophy)
  10. Room C 308 (Science)
  11. Room D 206 (Psychology)

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In agreement with the principal objective, the Platform has set the following specific targets:

1. Research

  1. Developing a internal support for UAIC to integrate the new research, development, innovation technology;
  2. Strategie's research for multiple and effective use of NTI;
  3. Analysis NTI effects on learning and development, at individual and group level, in the microsocial and macrosocial context, on national and international level;
  4. Development of research networks in partnership with specialized institutions in the country and abroad.

2. Facilitation

  1. Valorisation of NTI potential in improving university and post-graduate education and scientific and / or curricular research.
  2. UAIC integration in european and international on-line systems
  3. Achieving a strategie's implementation infrastructure for the development of e-democracy and e-government

3. Training

  1. Transforming the natural and cultural environment in training source, having like support the software system Blackboard Virtual Management
  2. Ustilisation of NTI in organizing and developing programs for bachelor's degree, master's and doctorate's degree; facilities for interdisciplinary training and e-learning system

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Description of the formative component

MA Tourism and Hotel Management - accredited in Bologna system, debuts in the academic year 2008-2009; cognitive, functional, personal and general competences for the tourism industry, including hotelarie for students licensed in tourism

The records are made for accreditation School Master Business Administration (MBA) with 18 specializations

Tasks undertaken

Development of distance learning for all levels of training (bachelor's, master's and doctorate's degree)

Interworking university's networks - national and european level - for team teaching and research team

Making Blackboard training for teachers and system engineers

The development of the European Masterat and PhD's in co-guardianship through valuing the experiences of research

Applications and access - on-line offers
  1. Online courses sustained by teachers from outside UAIC for master and doctoral schools
  2. On-line courses sustained by teachers of UAIC and / or european partners
  3. Courses in electronic format for students from distance learning, master and / or doctoral of the "Al. I. Cuza" University
  4. Unique system, on-line, assessment of academic staff

The platform is used for on-line and distance learning from the students for bachelor's degree and for interdisciplinary master's degree
  1. Adult Education Management (European Masters)
  2. Conflict Mediation
  3. Social management and community development
  4. Policy and Management in Education
  5. Negotiations and public relations
  6. Probation and social reintegration
  7. Systems and local public policies
  8. Security for community and control for violence
  9. European integration and security
  10. Political marketing and communication
  11. Persuasive strategies in public relations, media and advertising
  12. Commercial Management
  13. Postgraduate school for Touristic Development and Promotion

In specific activities for disciplines from masters, the platform offers the videoconference system, Blackboard Academic Suite and Community System allowing applications:
  1. Support multi-language for institution, course and user
  2. Language pack editor
  3. Blackboard Backpack
  4. Quick Tutorials
  5. e-Commerce
  6. e-Market
  7. Blackboard Messages
  8. SCORM 2004 Content Player
  9. Distribution for base role information
  10. Catalog of learning objects

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Description of the scientific research component of PFCI. Interdisciplinary dimension

Themes of research / development promoted by MediaEC
  1. Relations between the use of NTI and performance - individual / collective
  2. The impact of NTE (New Educational Technologies) on the instructive-educative process and community development; consequences in the short term and long-term implications
  3. Motivations for working in using NTI conditions
  4. NTI impact on organizational culture, ways of accelerating the transfer of values associated with performance
  5. NTI and european market of labor; management on migration of labor force, the standardized criterias and the evaluation-recruitment opportunities at European level
  6. Social innovation and the policy of NTI usage, the adaptation of existing explanatory models or the identification of new innovative behavioral patternuri
  7. The reconstruction of networks of services through NTI
  8. The socio-cognitive and symbolic impact of NTI of e-learning, e-government, e-democracy type
  9. The development of encyclopedical on-line dictionaries by interdisciplinary teams consisting of researchers of the "Al. I. Cuza" University and other university centers, national and international level

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Interdisciplinary directions in doctoral research developed by platform MediaEc

  1. Virtual reality communication
  2. Reality communication teacher - student
  3. Codes and meanings of built space
  4. The effects of communication via the Internet
  5. Symbolic violence: the analysis of the content of the message TV
  6. Migration in the European area
  7. Dimensions of psychological and academic performance / on work
  8. Trade Management, Marketing, Merchandising
  9. Business initiation, anticipation and planning sales
  10. Information systems dedicated for services
  11. Sales Force Management
  12. Creation and development portfolio of clients
  13. Competitive analysis and sales strategy development
  14. Selling techniques, commercial negotiation and interpersonal communication

Doctoral fields for which the platform allows research activities:

  1. Exact Sciences;
  2. Natural science;
  3. Social and political sciences;
  4. Humanities sciences;
  5. Economic sciences;
  6. Law science;
  7. Medical sciences;
  8. Architecture and urbanism;
  9. Engineering sciences;
  10. Arts

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Support for programs they are in progress

  1. Support for other interdisciplinary platforms and centers of excellence

  2. Support for other programs funded from other sources - national, european and international

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Contracts for new projects

Participation in european and international projects for research through:
  • valuing the results of grants, which are in progress: FP6, TEACH, Socrates - Erasmus, Socrates - Grundtvig 1, 2, 3, 4, Leonardo
  • promotion of new projects through the use of networks and consortia in which the University is part
  • the integration for the platform and the research teams in new programs and european networks: initiation for an FP7, Grundtvig 1, 2, 3, 4, Leonardo
  • creation of instruments for assessing occupational skills from the perspective of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
  • creation of a european network for research into migration - official and unofficial (scheduled and unscheduled). For example, offert from Observatorio De La Inmigración De Tenerife, which will be materialized and through an encyclopedia of european migration.
  • promotion of the platform in national and european space of research

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Structure of PFCI

Distinct laboratories set up in PFCI

  • SV - Video System - for research activities and formative e-learning and online - is located in eleven spaces - Senate Hall, Mathematics Amphitheater, Physics Amphitheater, Room B 417 (Economics and Business Administration), Room D 201 (MediaEC), Room H 1 (History), Room Gaudeamus 430, Room T-24 (Orthodox Theology), Room B 251 (Philosophy), Room C 308 (Science), Room D 206 (Psychology), interconnected between them and the central servers of the platform. Responsible - system engineer Adrian Istrimschi

  • LF-NTE - Laboratory for training in New Educational Technology (NTE) - Responsible - assist. PhD Valerica GREAVU

  • LPUFE - Laboratory for Production and Use of Educational Movie - Responsible - S.R. III dr. Oana BELDIANU
  • LEEP - Laboratory for evaluation and professional expertise - Responsible - Prof. dr. Aurel STAN
  • Mobile laboratory - Responsible - Prof. dr. Laurentiu SOITU

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Human resource of PFCI

Management of the platform MediaEC was provided by her own staff
  • Platform Manager, Prof. dr. Laurentiu Soitu
  • Coordinating training activities, Prof. dr. Constantin Salavastru
  • Coordinating administrative activities, Prof. dr. Valentin Nita
  • Coordinators research teams
    1. Prof. Dr. Carmen Cretu
    2. Prof. Dr. Mircea Georgescu
    3. Prof. Dr. Constantin Stoica Ana
    4. Lecturer Dr. George Farte
    5. Lecturer Dr. Ticu Constantin
    6. Lecturer Dr. Daniela Garleanu Soitu
    7. Lecturer Dr. Daniela Corodeanu

The task assumed by the project was realized with the support of members of the Senate Office and all specialized services: Department of Research and Project Management, Financial Accounting Department, The Public Acquisition Department, Investments Office, Service for Management of Technical Heritage.

At platform level relationships are established in accordance with organization:

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Platform's sustainability

Under Contract Funding, platform facilitated access to third parties for the achievement of interdisciplinary research:

PHARE - TIF-MRU-Intensive Training for Managers HR - 2004/016-772.04.02 HRD Promoting Human Capital, 27,000 euros
LF-NTE - Laboratory Training for New Educational Technologies

UNDEF - UN Democracy Fund Romania Project - UDF-ROM-06-100 - I'm Young, I Get involved, therefore I count - 126,000 euros
LF-NTE - Laboratory Training for New Educational Technologies

LPUFE - Laboratory of Production and Use of Educational Film

Strategies for non-formal education - accredited program by CNFP by decision no. 12/ 17.01.2007, this is for classmaster teachers and counselors across the country
LF-NTE - Laboratory Training for New Educational Technologies
LPUFE - Laboratory of Production and Use of Educational Film

The national program of Excellence Research, CEEX, 2005 - 2008, Module 1 Complex Projects for Research - Development, project no. 634 Center of Expertise for durable exploitation of ecosystems - CEXDUREC - Case Study "Terrestrial and aquatic peri-urban ecosystems from river basin of Ciric, from north of the city of Iasi (coordinated by the Faculty of Biology), the responsability of research team from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration for activities 22I1, 23I2, 24I3 relating to the management of the durable development (direct value for activities - approx. 175,000 euros).
SV - Videoconference System

Project volume, type A, code 1581 Analysis of web-Pedagogy and developing strategies for interactive learning in the process of adult education (web-Pedagogy Way), 2005-2008, (Manager Prof. Dr. Gabriel Stefura)
SV - Videoconference System

Technical Assistance for an Independent Evaluation of the Decentralized Grant Scheme to develop Community based Social Services, which was implemented under the Social Sector Development Project, financed by the World Bank, beneficiary MMFES; 75,000 euros.
SV - Videoconference System
LF-NTE - Laboratory Training for New Educational Technologies

European Commission FP6 STREP, CIT-CT-2005-028804 EUDIMENSIONS (Local Dimensions of a Wider European Neighborhood: Developing Political Community through Practices and Discourses of Cross-Border Co-operation), coordinator: Institut fuer Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung EV Berlin; contractor / authorized representative of UAIC - Lecturer dr. Daniela Soitu ( - 98,000 Euro
SV - Videoconference System

E-learning systemic training to improve interplay of work, health and organizations (HOLON), Leonardo da Vinci, promoter: Alicante County Council - Spain, Training Department - Systems and Family Therapy Service (Ana Constantin - project manager from University "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi), 2007-2009 - 22,339
SV - Videoconference System

30 May-1 June 2008, the international workshop entitled Organizational behavior, change and performance under the HOLON project - e-learning systemic training to improve interplay of work, health and organization, The Leonardo da Vinci project, 2007-2009
SV - Videoconference System

Creating and testing a predictive model of the relations between determinants of motivation, motivation for work and professional performance, CNCSIS Project A, no. GR 17/19.05.2007, Topic No. 9, CNCSIS code _1198, Project Manager, Lecturer dr. Constantin Ticu
SV - Videoconference System

REPLAY, Gaming Technology Platform for Social Reintegration of Marginalized Youth, 7th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), No. (EU Code): 224047, coordinator prof. dr. Carmen Cretu
SV - Videoconference System

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MEDIAEC platform's perspective during 2009-2012
Project MediaEc is included in the coordinates of program-framework The National Plan Research - Development - Innovation (RDI) for the period 2007-2013. Starting from the reality that higher education institutions face many challenges, but also with the responsibility of research phenomena generated by the new information technologies - NTI. The Internet and the new technologies have opened the innovative way for research and learning through interdisciplinary collaboration, national and international. New trends are heading towards creating a Network Environment for Learning - Development in the form of IntraNet in campus / community, and not only online offers. Interdisciplinary research of forms, strategies and techniques to use the new resources of development-training-capitalization as well as effects of new technologies become priorities of psychology, political science and communication, the business environment and the economy of knowledge - understood as information management by the expert and appraiser person.

Development objectives of the platform are:
  • Develop an platform internal support, to use and integration of new technologies in software for development and innovation
  • Research of strategies for multiple use and efficiency of the message in its various forms
  • Study of the effects, immediate and medium or long duration, of the NTI in process of learning-development, individual-group, micro-macro, national-international
  • Transforming the natural and cultural environment in source of training with the support of software Management System Virtual Blackboard
  • Organization of doctorate and masters - realised, in interdisciplinary way, in e-learning system

Functions of the platform:
  1. will combine existing computer services with media applications
  2. promote and support the use of NTI in research-teaching-learning-innovation-development process
  3. we provide training services in using NTI for academic and social policy environment
  4. will provide support for flexible systems to conform NTI with the needs of e-government and e-democracy
  5. will develop research networks in partnership with specialized institutions from the country and abroad on issues of european and international concern
  6. will use the Instructional Research Design for the integration of new technology in the national and european curriculum: design, implementation, selection, evaluation

The platform is in line with the University's strategy of development in interdisciplinary research activities, online and in real time. The platform favors, also, achieving online activity's objectives with students, MB and PhD.

The presence of Blackboard Academic Suite system and room's network for videoconference warrant the steady progress for inter-university's activities at the national, european and international level.

Other financial resources / materials for the organization and development of the platform are provided by:
  1. Research activities of other platforms and programs of the university - through user fees;
  2. Own research programs - under the existing plan.

Access to the system can be made in a secure way through unique username and password. Default defined user roles are: administrator, teacher, student. Depending on role's nature, the rights for access to resources and tools are different, the security rules have a high level in Blackboard.

An important component of an administrative point of view, is the possibility of import data about courses or users within a database that already exist (in our case you can use data from the Gesco).

For betterment of MEDIAEC Platform, was developed a strategic program in concert with the Statutes of Operation of the Platform and Statutes of Operation of the laboratories, with research topics, with the possibility of identifying other sources of funding through national and international grants, and through research contracts with third parties. The program for platform development make analysis on:
  1. Providing an exclusive program of manifestation and realization of science potential of teachers, PhD, master student and student - in line with University strategy
  2. Encouraging links between interdisciplinary research teams of the 'Al. I. Cuza' University of Iasi and between them and other inter-university collectives
  3. Using new technology platform in the development of distance education for university licensing, master and doctorate
  4. All laboratories functioning under the Statutes of Operation of the Platform and Statutes of Operation of the laboratories, according to the University Charter, the laws in force and professional ethics
  5. Establishing thematic networks between schools and education institutions from countries in Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia) towards to facilitate research partnerships, exchanges of teachers and students, publications, etc.
  6. Providing access to all Platform members (teachers, researchers, doctoral candidates, students) in the development of interdisciplinary research with rigging equipment
  7. Providing access to other members of the University or other universities in the country (teachers, researchers, doctoral candidates, master student, student) to accomplish the interdisciplinary research with rigging equipment, within the possibilities offered by research realised already by the members of the Platform
  8. Upgrading a permanent website of the Platform
  9. Attract new sources of funding through grants CNCSIS of the members of the laboratories, through international grants of the members, either as performers or as partners, through research contracts with third parties

Results obtained

PhD Theses completed or started using the research infrastructure platform

  • Livia Radu (Durac), Semiotics in nonverbal language in parent-adolescent relationship, in November 2008, published with the title Semiotics in nonverbal language in parent-adolescent relationship, Publishing House European Institute, Iasi, 2009
  • Cuzic R. 2009, Cognitive-motivational patterns in the act of learning, work license, manuscript on 76 pages, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi

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  • Mircea Georgescu, The Role Of E-Learning in Today `s World, International Journal of Business Management and Economics, vol 2, No 5, ISSN: 1306 1097 (Paper) 1306 1089 (Online), indexed by the Social Sciences Research Network in the USA, 2006;
  • Mircea Georgescu, Iuliana Georgescu, Provocations et déceptions de l’utilisation du système e-learning pour l'assurance du qualité de l'éducation comptable, 27ème Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Comptabilité, 10, 11 & 12 may 2006, Tunis,Tunisie, 2006;
  • Mircea Georgescu, The Future Of E-Learning: Designing Tomorrow's Education, Published at Social Science Research Network, Electronic Publishing, Inc.,, published in Information Technology & Systems – APS (02/06/2006), ERN Educator: Courses, Cases & Teaching – CASE ; Organizations & Markets - APS, Institutional & Transition Economics - APS, Information Technology & Systems - APS, Economics of Networks - APS, articol code, 2006
  • Mircea Georgescu, E-learning – Myths, Realities And Promises, The Central and East European Conference in Collaborative SMEs volume, on October 28, FEAA Iasi, 2006, Publishing House "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi, 2006;
  • Mircea Georgescu , Opportunities and Threats for Knowledge Management, International Conference Knowledge Management Projects, Systems And Technologies, ASE Bucuresti , 9-10 oct 2006 Supplement no. 2 on Magazine of Economic Science (B CNCSIS category) Reinforcement and Extension of Universities & Business Community Partnerships in the Knowledge Era, 2006
  • Mircea Georgescu , A World Without Wires For The Paperless Office, 2nd International Conference Globalisation and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration, October 25-27, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi, 2007;
  • Carmen-Liliana Hoceanu and Ana Stoica-Constantin, "Recognition of professional competence of the expert based on fashion aspect", in Social Psychology. Laboratory Bulletin "Social field psychology, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi, 2007, pp 87-107,
  • Mircea Georgescu, Alexandru Tugui, Iuliana Tugui, Diana Genete, Iuliana Georgescu, I., The quality of Information in a Paperlesss Office, IBIMA, Marrakech, ISBN 0-9753393-8-9, 2008;
  • Mircea Georgescu, Alexandru Tugui, Florin Dumitriu Iuliana Georgescu, Challenges For The Quality Of Information In The Paperless Office, MIBES International Conference 2008, Larissa 4-6 July 2008, CD ISBN 978-960-98411-1-5, Greece, 2008
  • Mircea Georgescu, Iuliana Georgescu , The Quality Of Information For Connected Governance, AMIS 2008, ASE Bucuresti, Romania, 2008
  • Valy Greavu
    1. E-learning experiment I;
    2. The end of plagiarism?
    3. Virtual communities - a theoretical perspective;
    4. E-learning experiment II;
    5. I know...
  • Orzan A. 2008, Motivational persistent and using of new information technologies, in The determinants of motivation in the work - from theory to analyze organizational reality (Constantin T. coord.), Publishing House "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi, 220 pages. ISBN 978-973-703-404-5
  • Ana Stoica-Constantin, Irina Macovei, "Reactions to distributive injustice", in vol: Psychology and society: news in applied psychology (Aurel Stan, coord.), Iasi, Publishing House Performantica (2008), pp 25-38
  • Roxana Butnareanu, Ana Stoica-Constantin, Distorting the perception of conflict behavior in: Annals of “Al. I. Cuza” University, Psychology Series, Tome XI-XII, Publishing House "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi, 2008, ISSN 1221-5325

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International collaborations started with platforms that support experimental
COUNTY COUNCIL OF ALICANTE (through Maria Lopez París) in framework of Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013/ Leonardo Da Vinci / Multilateral Projects Transfer of Innovation

Establishing thematic networks between schools and education institutions in tourism from countries in Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia) with the support of Foundation Training Hotel in Geneva - Switzerland, towards to facilitate research partnerships, exchanges of teachers and students, publications, etc.

Collaboration with Université de Toulouse II, Department of Continuing Training, for production of digital resources in teaching for adult education and research on adult education and permanent training.

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Updated: 13.11.2012